The road trip stories are like dominoes. Once you get started there is no stopping until they all fall down. In this case written down.
As a child we almost never stayed in hotels. However I remember one stay at Motel 6 (of course) the cheapest night of sleep a person could find. I guarantee you that if there had been a cheaper place my grandparents would have found it.
I am sure the only reason my grandparents consented to stay in a hotel was that it was FREEZING temperatures outside and the fact that my dad was along for the ride and would not tolerate sleeping in the car.
YEAH! Finally a good night of rest on the road, this time not literally (See blog "Motel 6, Where Are You?").
Think again! Grandma, or it could have been Grandpa (I should not give Grandma all the credit), strikes again. About 10:00 pm I wake in a puddle of sweat. I felt like the Wicked Witch on the "Wizard of Oz" movie, "I'm Melting, I'm Melting!" I was melting for it was 110 degrees F in that room at least. I tossed and turned all night and in the morning I wondered why that hotel could not figure out how to keep their temperatures under control.
It was not until later years when I went on a high school choir tour and stayed in a hotel as a teenager. At that time I learned that each room controlled their own temperatures.
The light went on in my head and I knew exactly what had happened some 8-10 years previous. My Grandparents having mixed feelings of feeling ripped off for paying such high prices for a night of rest AND wanting to make sure they got every penny worth for their money. It had been THEM who turned the temperature up to degrees that even people in Phoenix could not tolerate.
Who cares if you are able to sleep or not as long as you get your money worth. All in the name of getting the biggest bang for your buck!
Yes, I do the same thing to my kids now, but I turn the temp way down. I love to sleep in a cold room. The kids have their own rooms at home and leave their windows closed. But I love to have the window open and have a cool air blowing.
So when we stay at a hotel, I turn on the air conditioning. They think they are freezing. I will have to be nicer after reading this post. Thanks Julie for the the memories. I say, "Let the dominoes fall." M
I also love to sleep in the cold, I think that is because of the ice chest we slept in growing up. I am so grateful David likes it cold when we sleep also. My poor kids are adjusting also! Guess what I say when they complain they are cold...Mom's words, "Go put on a sweater!" or "Wear warmer PJs." It is hard to be a kid.
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