Saturday, February 9, 2008

Grandpa Talks

Ok, I have a thousand stories in my head to write about Grandma. But there just is not enough time to write them all down, but I can do this one today.

To continue on with the driving car theme. Grandma and Grandpa lived about a mile from church. They had driven this mile countless ~ countless ~ countless times as they were activity in the church and had many meetings there weekly and lived in Pullman for about 50 years.

I was about 14 or so and rode home from church with Grandma and Grandpa one Sunday afternoon. Grandma was talking (yes, I know you are shocked to hear she was talking) on and on about everything and nothing all at the same time. I was nodding and smiling and wishing to Bittssy~Bettsy that I could get out of my dress and into a comfy pair of jeans.

The only time Grandma would stop her conversation (or should I say her monolog?) was to give Grandpa directions to his house. “And sister so-an-so was doing such-an-such: Harold turn left here - and I heard that sister so-an-so was…: Harold turn right here…” and on and on it went, until we were a few blocks from the house. We were at a stop sign, which of course Grandma had told Grandpa to stop at, and Grandpa turned to Grandma and said “Good thing you are with me Effie or I would never make it home would I?”

Grandma looked like she had sucked on a lime; her face was so pinched up in all directions. I could not help but laugh and laugh. That made Grandma’s face all the more pinched, but it was funny and I was 14. That was the only time I ever heard Grandpa talk back to Grandma. And it was one of the few times I ever heard Grandpa talk at all. Mechelle


julie said...

Perfect picture and this is one of my favorite stories ever! Did Grandma ever laugh at herself? If not, I guess the rest of us did it for her. With lots and lots of love.

chelle said...

I don't think she laughed at herself. We should ask Aunt Effie. I have a few thousand more to put on but that will have to wait for another day. M