Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Motel 6, Where are you?

It is road trip therapy. I think Mechelle and I are trying to "work" through all the emotional damage that was done during the endless miles between Washington and Utah.

How many times had I driven on that road? I could not tell you. I do remember the first time that David and I drove from Utah to Boise. When we reached our home outside of Boise after a trip to Utah. I can not express the jubilation I felt that I would not have to drive another 6-8 hours to get to Pullman. The indescribable joy in my heart at that moment was so intense.

On the same trip to Utah, that I mentioned in my story titled, "Why I don't like apples on road trips." I do not remember why we had a late start to our drive to Utah but I do remember that we would need to stop on the way to sleep.

I know I did not realize before I agreed to go on this joyful journey that sleeping on the road with Grandma and Grandpa litterally meant that: "sleeping on the road." I wonder if my mom realized this when she allowed me to go with them.

It was late and we pulled into a rest stop. After doing the business that one does at rest stops we did not continue on the road. Grandma seating me behind Brent, tells my older brother (who, in his youth, was not always overly concerned about the wellbeing of his younger siblings), "Go a head and put the seat all the way down and push it all the back." I suddenly felt all the air squeezed out of my lungs and wondered if the walls were closing in on me.

Here I am already uncomfortable before Grandma invites my big brother to sleep in my lap. At this moment Grandma was not my favorite person. At least SOMEONE got a good night of rest!

As I look back on this eventful trip. I don't remember ever willingly go with Grandma and Grandpa again on road trips. Not only did I eat 1/4 of a glob sandwich in a 24 hour time frame and feel terror that Grandpa would throw up any minute, but I felt like a competitor in the Guniess World Record to see how many people you can cram into a small car. Only I had to remain there for hours attempting sleep. It is a wonder I and/or Grandma made it to Utah a live.


chelle said...

Love the photo. I remember this so well. It is amazing we ever go on trips now. You would think we would have been permanently scared from our childhood travels. m

Janell said...

Sad for you, but so freakin' funny to me! I can just picture it all.

The only road trip I remember with Grandma and Grandpa was one down to Utah. My dad almost had an aneurism when Grandma pulled out a tomato and a knife and started cutting slices to go with the “sandwiches.” He was not impressed. If I remember correctly, we (as in my parents, siblings and myself) stopped at McDonald’s to eat lunch while grandma and grandpa ate their “sandwiches” in the car. Dad offered to buy them lunch, but THAT wasn’t going to happen.

julie said...

Janell, your dad is such a brilliant man! That story definitely fits with their characters.

I hope I did not sound depressed in this story. It is all in jest and I really am writing it for the laughs and not the boo hoos! After 25 years I should be able to laugh them off, otherwise I really DO need some therapy!